TERTANGALA – Editorial: Just The Tip

We’re come so far, and we have so far to go

What do you think about when you think about the 60s? Do you envision girls in mini-skirts, political activism, The Beatles and sexual awakening? You probably wouldn’t imagine men and women being arrested for expressing love to one another and just being true to themselves, but the reality is that homosexuality and bisexuality were both outlawed until 1967.

It’s looking back at times like this, which seem not too long ago, that shows us far we’ve come today.

As a society, we have progressed so much in our acceptance of others and this is a beautiful thing. Life for non-heterosexual individuals is closer to reaching equality every day, and we’re excited to give it a push with our annual gender and sexuality issue.

Why are some people still learning that most basic of childhood lessons:  treat all people the way you would like to be treated? By now it should be basic human knowledge that love is love, all love is valid and all peoples are valid.

This issue, our annual Gender and Sexuality issue, is a celebration of this progression and a drive for further action.

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